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Adv A K Talukdar


A K Talukder, MA, LLB, is an Advocate at the Gauhati High Court of substantial standing. He guides the day to day executive functions of the foundation. He specifically looks after the legal compliances, women rights training, conflict resolution programmes of the Foundation. 

Dr Fozlur Rahman

MA, MM, B.Ed PhD

Dr Rahman teaches at Cotton University, Guwahati. He has also served as the Deputy Director, and interim Director of Madrassa Education, Assam and Secretary, State Madrassa Education Board, Assam. He leads Foundation's training and interreligious understanding programmes and coordinated inter-faith dialogue training project funded by the Brtish High Commission, New Delhi. 

A N Barbhuiya

Cummunity Worker

A N Barbhuiya is a grassroots level social worker based in Guwahati. He is associated with many local communities and assists Foundation's community based linkages with local population. He has many years of experience in setting up community organisations, socio-cultural groups and networks with local CBOs. 

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Executive Board  

A R Barbhuiya


Mr Atik is an internationally renowned educational planning expert and works as a consultant with North East Consultancy Services. He has served as a consultant with state governments of Mizoram, Meghalaya and Nagaland. He was worked with Room to Read (USA) as Interim Country Director Bangladesh and ClearWin Technologies  (USA) as Regional Vice-President, South East Asia.

Prof Shikhar Kumar Sarma

MSc, PhD

Dr Shikhar Sarma till recently served as the Registrar of Cotton University, Guwahati. He is  a renowned computer scientist and presently a Professor of Information Technology (on lien) at Gauhati University.He served as the Director in charge of the Institute of Science and Technology, Gauhati University, before joining Cotton University as a Registrar. He has also taught abroad at Debub University, Ethiopia.

Arif Ansari

Social Worker

Arif Ansari is one of the founding members of the Foundation and associated with its community services, specially flood relief and 'feed the hungry' initiatives. He takes on a variety of roles, often acting as a critical friend facilitating the support that people need through creative use of all available resources. He helps people to improve their financial position, informing them about their entitlements and helping them to access training, work opportunities and benefits.

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Robert Romawia Royte


Mr Robert Royte has served Education Department in Govt of Mizoram. Presentlyt he is the Chairman of TT ROYTE Group and proprietor & chief managing director of Northeast Consultancy Services in Aizawl. He is also the owner of I-League Club Aizawl FC

Debajit Sen


Debajit Sen served banking sector for long and worked with reputed banks like Axis Bank. An agriculture scientist by education, he also has professional expertise in Banking, Finance and Foreign Exchange. He is interested in agriculture finance and the foundation draws from his past experience in banking sector for its poverty reduction initiatives besides his banking and finance related advisories.

Dr K M Jahirul Islam


Dr Jahir have been working in the field of Rural Health Care Service or more than last 10 years, He has served as Project Head/Manager in one of the largest Fluorosis Mitigation Project funded by JICA in Rajasthan, India. He had also managed Diabetic Awareness and Management programme funded by WDF, Denmark and Village Health Outreach Programme in Assam.  

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PFI Foundation is registered under the Societies Registration Act of India. It is registered by the Interior (Home) Ministry of the Government of India as a Foreign Contribution receiving charity and allotted FCRA Registration. The organization is also registered under Income Tax Act and granted tax exemption on donation to the organization under Sec 80GG of the Act.



Society Registration No 4292 of 1992-93 under S R Act of 1860.

Unique Registration Number AAGAP5578HF20217 under Sec 80G 12-Clause (iv) of first proviso for Tax Exemption on donation to the Foundation. 

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PFI Foundation

​HO: 46, Sijubari Masjid Road,

Hatigaon, Guwahati 781038 Assam

Tel: ​+91 8949368634 / +91 9435072356

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Tel: +919818720988 | +919811811202


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