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In line with the National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL), Government of India, the foundation  recognises the importance of classical languages in preserving cultural heritage of the country and at the same time the need to bring students of faith-based schools to the mainstream job market. Since 2011, with the support from the NCPUL, the foundation is running Two Years Diploma Course in Functional Arabic 2002 with modern Arabic teaching in content and methodology being made accessible to Madrassa students who lack ability to speak and write and communication skill on colloquial level.


The basic aim of the course is to enrich the instruction in Arabic and give an experience to the students to modern and colloquial spoken level as well as on writing level. The 7 & 8 modules have been prepared on the basis of business and day to day user letters so as the students get expertise in drafting letters and communicating with business world. In exercises of these two modules, the rich translated version of English articles has been provided. This course will help students to achieve a level of excellence and bring them at par with the students of other foreign languages. Also, this will open the door of employment to the students of Arabic language.


Course Details


  1. The course starts from 1st April of each year. Duration of this course is two years. Last date of Registration in the course is 28th February.

  2. The course has been divided in eight modules in two years, 4 modules for each year. Two modules are in shape of a text book with separate guide book.

  3. Two text books as well as two guide books comprising of four modules from 1 - 4 and two assignments (Ikhtibarat) divided each in two parts in the first year and the course material of the second year of  modules from 5 - 8 in the latter form will be dispatched  to the Functional Arabic Study Centre.

  4. All the eight modules are progressively integrated.

  5. The evaluation of each module will be done through the comprehensive assignment (Ikhtibar) four in a year.

  6. A final written exam will be held at the end of the session.

  7. Diploma will be awarded only to those who will complete the 8 modules successfully and pass the final written examination.


Eligibility for Admission


  1. Students who can read and write Arabic language and understand Urdu can take admission in this course.

  2. There is no age limit for this course.

  3. Student’s educational qualification should be 10th or equivalent (desirable).


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