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Computer Applications, Business Accounting and Multilingual DTP (CABA-MDTP) Programme

Acute employment among the youths in rural Northeast India has become a major challenge for socio-economic development of the region. Several reports have highlighted the issue of the high rate of unemployed educated youths in the country yet there are many opportunities and gaps which can be filled to alleviate unemployment through strategic skill training. Improved training and skill development is critical for providing decent employment opportunities to the growing youth population and is necessary to sustain the high growth momentum. Foundation's Skill Development Training programme aims to empower rural youths through improved skills, knowledge, qualifications, so that they can get decent employment in Indi and abroad. We strive to focus on creating opportunities for all to acquire skills especially for youth, women and disadvantaged groups, promoting commitment by all stakeholders and to develop a high quality of skilled work force that can be absorbed  in emerging employment market in the country.


PFI Foundation has established a Rural Technology Institute in Northeast India with assistance from IRW Mauritius in Karimganj, Assam. The Institute is driven by a long-term vision of building technical skills and services sector and creating a South Asian regional skill training hub. The Institute is committed to reducing rural people’s poverty level by producing skilled people and help entrepreneurship development.


The Foundation runs two flagship projects funded by National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL) which is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD), Department of Higher Education, Government of India. One of the significant initiatives of the NCPUL has been the transformation of Urdu speaking population into part of the employable technological workforce in the age of technology and computer. It not only provides job opportunity for Urdu speaking people but also increases computer literacy rate of the country.




National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL) started functioning w.e.f. 01.04.1996 as an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. NCPUL has been set up with the objective of promoting, developing and propagating Urdu language, to take action for making available in Urdu language the knowledge of scientific and technological development as well as knowledge of ideas evolved in the modern context, to advise the Govt. of India on issues connected with Urdu language having bearing on education and to undertake any other activity for the promotion of Urdu language as may deemed fit by the Council.


Since 2010-11 the Foundation is running following courses:


1. One year course on ‘Diploma in Computer Applications, Business Accounting and Multilingual DTP’ (CABA-MDTP)



CABA-MDTP programme aims to transfer the information technology to language and making Urdu/Local Language speaking boys and girls part of employable technology work force of India. So far we have trained more than 500 youths who have been awarded diploma under joint certification from NCPUL and National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT), an autonomous scientific society under the administrative control of Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India.


Course Details


  • IT Tools and Business Systems. Internet Technology and Web Design.

  • Financial Accounting Using Tally & Personality Development. Programming and Problem Solving Through 'C' Language.

  • Introduction to ICT Resources.

  • Multilingual DTP. Practical & Project Work.


The one year course "Diploma in Computer Applications, Business Accounting and Multilingual DTP" has been designed for transformation of Urdu speakers into productive human resource and making them part of the employable technical work force in the emerging Information Technology scenario and penetration of computer education to grass root level. Taking base as the DOEACC 'O' level course contents , the contents have been enriched with programming techniques, developing database applications, accounting package, web designing tools, Urdu, and English DTP. The contents have been designed keeping in view that there will be number of career options possible for an individual after completing the course. The possible career opportunities are:


  • Junior programmer 

  • EDP assistant 

  • Web Designer

  • DTP Operator 

  • Lab Demonstrator

  • Accountancy Operator

Students who have passed Intermediate (10+ 2) level of examination from a recognized Board or an equivalent examination are eligible for admission to 'O' level course. Madarsa Qualification which have been granted equivalence to Matric or 10+2 level will also be eligible for the CCC and CABA-MDTP course. Students should have attained age of 18 years and must be below the age of 35 years on the date of application. An interview for selection/admission of students will be conducted by a selection committee.
The Council has launched One year Diploma Course in Urdu through English and Hindi medium. Admission in this course is compulsory and passing in One Year Diploma Course in Urdu will be a precondition for award of Diploma in Computer Applications, Business Accounting and Multilingual DTP.


The course is organized in two batches of 40 students at each computer centre (Batch I from 9.00 A.M.to1.00 P.M. and Batch II from 2.00 to 6.00 P.M.). Out of these 4 hours, 2 hours for theory class and 2 hours for practical class. Twenty students will attend the theory class and twenty students will attend practical class simultaneously.


Course Structure

Module I: IT Tools and Business Systems. Module II : Internet Technology and Web Design.
Module III: Financial Accounting Using Tally & Personality Development. Module IV: Programming and Problem Solving Through 'C' Language.
Module V: Introduction to ICT Resources. Module VI : Multilingual DTP.
Module VII:          Practical & Project Work.


It is compulsory for all students who are admitted to Diploma course to write examination for Certificate Course on Computer Concept (CCC). The examination is conducted by NIELIT.

Module Test at the end of each module 50 marks(10 marks each)(Five modules) Urdu Inpage Test 25 marks

Practical exam 25 marks
Project 30 marks
Final examination 70 marks
Total 200 marks
Student has to obtain minimum of 50%marks in final examination, Urdu Inpage Test and Practical Exam individually for qualifying the examination.
All successful students are awarded "Diploma in Computer Applications, Business Accounting and Multilingual DTP" at the end of the academic session jointly by NCPUL and NIELIT, Chandigarh Centre and ”Diploma in Urdu Language" by NCPUL.


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PFI Foundation is registered under the Societies Registration Act of India. It is registered by the Interior (Home) Ministry of the Government of India as a Foreign Contribution receiving charity and allotted FCRA Registration. The organization is also registered under Income Tax Act and granted tax exemption on donation to the organization under Sec 80GG of the Act.



Society Registration No 4292 of 1992-93 under S R Act of 1860.

Unique Registration Number AAGAP5578HF20217 under Sec 80G 12-Clause (iv) of first proviso for Tax Exemption on donation to the Foundation. 

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PFI Foundation

​HO: 46, Sijubari Masjid Road,

Hatigaon, Guwahati 781038 Assam

Tel: ​+91 8949368634 / +91 9435072356

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National Coordinator:

Tel: +919818720988 | +919811811202


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